Heads Up! You're viewing the docs for v3.0, an old version of Karma. v6.4 is the newest.


To execute javascript unit and integration tests with ember.js follow the steps below:

  1. install karma

  2. install the qunit plugin

    npm install karma-qunit --save-dev
  3. install the ember preprocessor plugin

    npm install karma-ember-preprocessor --save-dev
  4. generate a configuration file for karma

    karma init

    note -the above will walk you through the basic setup. An example configuration file that works with ember.js/qunit and phantomjs is below

    module.exports = function(config) {
        basePath: 'js',
        files: [
        browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
        singleRun: true,
        autoWatch: false,
        frameworks: ['qunit'],
        plugins: [
        preprocessors: {
          '**/*.handlebars': 'ember'

    Note - the files section above should include all dependencies, ie- jQuery/handlebars/ember.js along with the js and handlebars files required to deploy and run your production ember.js application

    Note - when testing ember applications, it is important that karma does not try to run the tests until the ember application has finished initialization. You will need to include a small bootstrap file in the files section above to enforce this. Here's an example:

    __karma__.loaded = function() {};
    //this gate/check is required given that standard practice in Ember tests to is to call
    //Ember.reset() in the afterEach/tearDown for each test.  Doing so, causes the application
    //to 're-initialize', resulting in repeated calls to the initialize function below
    var karma_started = false;
        name: "run tests",
        initialize: function(container, application) {
            if (!karma_started) {
                karma_started = true;
  5. add a simple Qunit test

    test('one should equal one', function() {
        equal(1, 1, 'error: one did not equal one');
  6. run the tests with karma from the command line

    karma start

A simple unit / integration tested example app showing karma / qunit / ember in action can be found here