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Configuration File

In order to serve you well, Testacular needs to know about your project. That's done through a configuration file.

For an example configuration, see test/client/testacular.conf.js which contains most of the options.

This document contains a list of all available options, as well as their command line equivalents.

autoWatch #

Type: Boolean

Default: false

CLI: --auto-watch, --no-auto-watch

Description: Enable or disable watching files and executing the tests whenever one of these files changes.

basePath #

Type: String

Default: ''

Description: Base path, that will be used to resolve all relative paths defined in files and exclude. If basePath is a relative path, it will be resolved to the __dirname of the configuration file.

browsers #

Type: Array

Default: []

CLI: --browsers Chrome,Firefox

Possible Values:

  • Chrome
  • ChromeCanary
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • PhantomJS

Description: A list of browsers to launch and capture. Once testacular is shut down, it will shut down these browsers as well. You can capture any browser manually just by opening a url, where Testacular's web server is listening.

See config/browsers for more.

captureTimeout #

Type: Number

Default: 60000

Description: Timeout for capturing a browser (in ms).

If any browser does not get captured within the timeout, Testacular will kill it and try to launch it again. After three attempts to capture it, Testacular will give up.

colors #

Type: Boolean

Default: true

CLI: --colors, --no-colors

Description: Enable or disable colors in the output (reporters and logs).

exclude #

Type: Array

Default: []

Description: List of files/patterns to exclude from loaded files.

files #

Type: Array

Default: []

Description: List of files/patterns to load in the browser.

See config/files for more information.

hostname #

Type: String

Default: 'localhost'

Description: Hostname to be used when capturing browsers.

logLevel #

Type: Constant

Default: LOG_INFO

CLI: --log-level debug

Possible values:


Description: Level of logging.

loggers #

Type: Array

Default: [{type: 'console'}]

Description: A list of log appenders to be used. See the documentation for log4js for more information.

port #

Type: Number

Default: 9876

CLI: --port 9876

Description: The port where the webserver will be listening.

preprocessors #

Type: Object

Default: {'**/*.coffee': 'coffee'}

Description: A map of preprocessors to use. See config/preprocessors for more.

proxies #

Type: Object

Default: {}

Description: A map of path-proxy pairs.


proxies =  {
  '/static': 'http://gstatic.com',
  '/web': 'http://localhost:9000'

reportSlowerThan #

Type: Number

Default: 0

Description: Testacular will report all the tests that are slower than given time limit (in ms). This is disabled by default.

reporters #

Type: Array

Default: ['progress']

CLI: --reporters progress,growl

Possible Values:

  • dots
  • progress
  • junit
  • growl
  • coverage

Description: A list of reporters to use.

runnerPort #

Type: Number

Default: 9100

CLI: --runner-port 9100

Description: The port where the server will be listening. This is only used when you are using testacular run.

singleRun #

Type: Boolean

Default: false

CLI: --single-run, no-single-run

Description: Continuous Integration mode.

If true, it captures browsers, runs tests and exits with 0 exit code (if all tests passed) or 1 exit code (if any test failed).

urlRoot #

Type: String

Default: '/'

Description: The base url, where Testacular runs.

All the Testacular's urls get prefixed with the urlRoot. This is helpful when using proxies, as sometimes you might want to proxy a url that is already taken by Testacular.